Finally starting (12/31/24)

Man, this has been a year, huh? It's been a horrible year, but also an amazing year. Money problems, still no meds and some companies are incredibly unreliable, to keep it vague... but...
I tend to look at the negatives way too much, so I want to start this website with some happy content. Especially since it's right before the new year.
I've found so many new friends, a game I was looking forward to released, my family isn't doing too badly and I got a laptop! Yes, my original website was made on a tablet and with a whole lot of tears.
But yeah, this website. So, I'm not a big fan of social media, yet I love sharing my weird posts and current obsessions. In fact, the only social media I currently use are spam and private accounts.
I've had several websites before this one, mainly as a kid, so why not make another one? I'm not good at html and CSS, my school was barely able to afford a single room with a few computers, but I'm trying.
I'm excited for this new adventure, so happy new year. This website won't even be up today, but it's when I wrote it. Have a good day, please.