The Webmaster

They're almost a person.

I'm Mal, sometimes at least. I'm a genderless adult and I enjoy writing about anything I like (or dislike). My english isn't perfect (german), but it's good enough to write stories and poems and that's all I want.
I like puzzle games, rhythm games, platformers and board games. Also a few rpgmaker games, strategy games and collectathons. Really if it's a game I will find something fun about it. I enjoy looking at art and engaging with it no matter how silly (and games obviously count).
I love music and have made some of my own, but music theory is hard and I'm not smart. Drawing is a hobby of mine that I sometimes adore and sometimes despise, but that's what makes it fun. I also love collecting, if you couldn't already guess.
I don't have a presence on social media outside of private accounts and lurking ones for cool artists (I'm not counting old, abandoned accounts). I am mostly on the indieweb and discord. But there is a bluesky account I will try to use more (only visible when logged in).



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Quiz 1 Quiz 2 I am Cyndaquil! Pearl Quiz Shrek Quiz I am a Togetic! What Dere Type Are You? What Ace Attorney Character Are You? Bedtime Bear Award Pikmin Bloom Quiz Pokemon Miku Quiz Star Girl Quiz Candy Quiz says I'm an Uber-Dorky Sci-Fi / Comic Geek.  Click here to take the Nerd Test, get geeky images and jokes, and write on the nerd forum!